As I write these Words of the Weekend posts, I’m often reminded of just how quickly a week can go by. I feel like I was JUST writing last week’s post, and here we are again– another Monday and another set of sneak peeks! Before this week’s set of previews below, a few thoughts from the week…
– I think summer bucket lists are important. Here in New England summer goes by in a FLASH and then it’s winter again… so having a summer bucket list helps keep me on track to make sure I’m getting out to enjoy this beautiful state while it’s warm & beautiful out. Yesterday I knocked two things off the list: a swim at a local swimming spot, Triple Buckets (below Huntington Gorge), and a trip to the drive-in movie theater. Unfortunately Mission Impossible was interrupted halfway through the movie when the projector broke (don’t worry, we got a refund!) so it just means another trip there is in order :)
– If you need a good giggle, stop what you’re doing and watch Jimmy Fallon’s Mad Lib Theater videos… this Kristen Wiig one is my favorite and gets me every. single. time.