This shoot is a little overdue to go up on the blog, but as I always say, better late than never! I had so much fun going out with my good friend Hannah, a fellow Orchesis dancer from UVM, at the Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum in Shelburne Falls, MA. I had my fellow Hallmark classmate & galpal Sienna from Sienna Clough Photography assisting me, and the three of us had so much fun exploring the trolley station and just being outside on this beautiful afternoon in June.
Funny side story: When we got to the trolley station, we got out of the car with our equipment and a security guard approached us and asked if we were with the crew… For one, why was there a security guard at a trolley station? Two, a crew? Nope, we weren’t with them. So we went about our business, had a great shoot with great light & colors, then packed up our stuff to head home. On our way out of town, we saw “the crew” and IT WAS FOR A MOVIE WITH ROBERT DOWNEY JR!!! Why didn’t we say we were with the crew?!?! Shucks, next time.