Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! Tomorrow I’ll be blogging a wedding but today I want to talk to fellow photographers & creatives who are small business owners! I just celebrated 2 years of { officially } being in business – WOOHOO! And it’s got me thinking about how much I’ve learned and how much my business has grown & changed over those past 2 years.
In order for that growth to happen there were a LOT of things that did and didn’t work for my business. You try a new idea, maybe it works, maybe it fails. But one thing I know for sure is that I turned to other photographers who were more established (and all in different stages of their business!) and religiously read their blogs with so much thirst for the information that they were offering. There are a zillion and one ways to run your business and I was just so curious to see how they were doing certain things. In case you’re wondering, here are a few of my favorite blogs to read up on with my morning coffee:
Well now that I’m full time with my business, one of my goals is to further develop my blog. I want to make it a resource for my clients to see their images, provide tips for future brides planning their weddings & to help other photographers who might just be starting out in their businesses! Which brings me to introduce my new series, The Open Book Club!
Why The Open Book Club? Well first of all, I wanted a catchy name for the blog series. But I just SO appreciate all of those photographers listed above being so open & willing to share about the ins & outs of their businesses and being such open books! (ha, get it?!) If I can provide just one new photographer with some insight that will help them grow their business, I would love to start paying it forward! With the growth of The Rising Tide Society and the #communityovercompetition movement, I just feel like it is so valuable for photographers & creatives to build each other up and share what works & what doesn’t for them so we can all grow together! Last month, I attended the local Tuesdays Together meeting and learned SO much about Instagram!! (Who knew there was so much to know about hashtags?!)
I’ve written a few posts geared towards photographers before (see them HERE) and have gotten great feedback, so I’d love to start doing this on a regular basis! I could think about a million and one things to talk about, but these posts aren’t for me. They’re for YOU! You, the new photographer just starting out. You, the photographer who has been in business for a few years and are looking for a new system to help streamline a certain part of your business. So, I need some input… I want to hear from you! Is there anything about me or my business that you’re curious about and would like to see a post on? I’m literally an open book! Nothing is off limits. Here are a few ideas…
Shooting & Editing
Blogging & Website
Social Media
Client Experience
Anything Else!
Leave a comment below or send me over an e-mail at kelsey@kelseyreganphotography.com – I’d love to hear your input!
xo Kelsey